A member group of Friends of Parks SA Inc.
‘Volunteers working for conservation’
Friends of Blackwood Forest aim to assist with providing sustainable recreational opportunities, highlighting historic values, removing weeds and gradually restoring natural habitat.
Group activities include regular working bees to maintain the park as well as fundraising events such as the Blackwood Christmas Pageant Sausage Sizzle. Recent fundraising efforts have helped to renovate the Manager’s Office at the entrance to the park.
The group is also a member of the Friends of Parks South Australia Incorporated body.
Friends of Parks Inc (FOP) is the parent body for the Friends of Parks groups in South Australia. It is an independent, not-for-profit, membership based association aimed at providing:
- Voluntary assistance to National Parks and Wildlife Service SA
- Promotion of National, Conservation and Recreation parks, cultural sites and cultural heritage in South Australia.
- Funding projects where appropriate.
- Membership has no restriction as to age and people from all walks of life are welcome.